New topical resources for ELT from Ready to Run: language for feelings in Lockdown at B1+
/YouTuber Ben trained his style with Ready to Run and produced a vlog about feelings and emotions during the Covid-19 emergency, to support ELT learners at level B1+
Today sees the launch of the next in a powerful new series of video-led ELT packages that relate directly to young people’s experience of the Covid-19 lockdown. The resources will be free to all users in all countries.
Award winning Ready to Run is continuing its lockdown learning service with the release today of a new Topical Vlog package. The B1+ unit kicks off with an engaging new video from Ready to Run’s YouTuber Ben who explores his emotional response to the Covid-19 quarantine in London. Teachers are provided with a full remote lesson plan and student resources that have been created to capture the shared global experience of living through the pandemic. The full B1 topical package including video with subtitles and learning materials for teachers and students, is free for classes anywhere. It joins Ready to Run’s line-up of free lockdown learning videos and resources which are being used by English teachers all over the world.
“Teachers and students have had a unique and defining experience over the past weeks,” says Ready to Run Editor Elena Deleyto LaCruz, “it’s created a real momentum for topical learning content right now.”
In the graded video, vlogger Ben articulates his feelings of uncertainty and confusion during the lockdown, allowing B1+ students to experience and contextualise a rich vocabulary around emotional expression. The lesson plan includes activities for practising and consolidating this vocabulary. As with all Ready to Run teaching resources there is also project work designed to stimulate critical thinking and expression.
Elena Deleyto LaCruz adds, “Our pedagogy aligns with the Cambridge Principles of Language Learning particularly with the pillars of Rich Input and Positive Engagement. The authentic video is key to building a strong connection with learners and the topicality drives engagement through the whole lesson. We hope this package gives teachers lesson content that they will be eager to use, and B1 students a toolkit for expressing their feelings in English about the current situation.”
Ready to Run’s Topical Vlogs series will continue to be offered globally and free through the pandemic period. DLA’s cofounder Stephen Haggard added:
“DLA’s commitment to topical learning is possible because we have invested in talent and processes that streamline the content production process. We think there is a demand for learning resources that connect to the right now and we are focused on finding ways of meeting that demand.”
Ready to Run Video Pro service is free for teachers during the pandemic period. It offers 35 videos at levels A1- B2, complete with lesson plans, student activities and worksheets as well as coaching on remote teaching.
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