Harry Waters reviews DLA's Ready2Run Sustainability videos

Harry Waters reviews DLA's Ready2Run Sustainability videos

When it comes to environmentalism and the climate crisis, the ELT industry is frankly lagging. It could be the nature of the industry: courses and books tend to take well over a year to create. Perhaps it’s for fear of upsetting a particular demographic which isn’t yet “ready” to talk about the damaging effect humans are having on the planet.

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Extraordinary Disabilities - Philip Kerr writes about the representation of disability in ELT

Extraordinary Disabilities - Philip Kerr writes about the representation of disability in ELT

“Better representation of people with disabilities would be a relatively small step in the direction of a more inclusive approach to education” writes teacher trainer and award-winning writer of materials for English language learners and teachers, Philip Kerr.

In his article he considers different approaches to the representation of disability in materials and classroom practice.

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Personalizing Culture

Personalizing Culture

The culture video has long been a staple of the ELT diet. In this article author and teacher Ben Goldstein argues for a new approach to culture in ELT, one that reflects the global English environment and a diversity of individual responses to culture and cultures.

“DLA videos are enriching precisely because they showcase voices from all over the world – Singapore, India, Ghana, Norway to name but a few – as well as reflecting the multicultural reality of many modern day cities”. To accompany Ben’s article explore this interactive map to find some of the Ready to Run videos from all over the world that explore personal views of culture

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Are Emotions OK? Philip Kerr writes about Ready to Run COVID-19 vlog

Are Emotions OK? Philip Kerr writes about Ready to Run COVID-19 vlog

Are emotions OK?

In the latest of our series of special guest posts, teacher, teacher trainer, ELT author and blogger Philip Kerr looks at how authentic video can be used to explore emotions in English teaching. Philip features the Ready to Run topical video Emotions are OK (password: Ready2Run) and suggests exercises and activities for teachers looking to include reflection and expression in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in classes for young adults and adults.

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