Harry Waters reviews DLA's Ready2Run Sustainability videos

Harry Waters reviews DLA's Ready2Run Sustainability videos

When it comes to environmentalism and the climate crisis, the ELT industry is frankly lagging. It could be the nature of the industry: courses and books tend to take well over a year to create. Perhaps it’s for fear of upsetting a particular demographic which isn’t yet “ready” to talk about the damaging effect humans are having on the planet.

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The rise of a video generation

The rise of a video generation

The idea of using film or video in learning is hardly new. In 1913 the inventor Thomas Edison predicted that within ten years books would be obsolete because it was “possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture”. Despite some great educational film and TV during the 20th century from the likes of Disney and the BBC, the revolution didn’t happen on schedule.

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The new look of learning: VIL

The new look of learning: VIL

Video Integrated Learning. That’s what we’re calling it.

So, what is ‘it’? As you likely know if you’re reading this piece, DLA create learning experiences that are engaging and effective, with video at their heart. Many clients with whom we work ultimately ask us for two key deliverable assets at the end of a project - the video, and the learning materials - and many of them see these as two separate things. We don’t.

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